Welcome to Schiedam Taxi Centrale

Schiedam Taxi Centrale Schiedam Taxi Centrale

Schiedam Taxi Centrale is your taxi company in Schiedam and surrounding areas. We are ready at any hour of the day, even during bank holidays. We have several luxury cars, including the new Mercedes E class. Using these cars, you will enjoy a comfortable and enjoyable taxi ride every time. Additionally we think highly of customer care and we try to be your familiar taxi service. To ensure you have a smooth journey, we recommended you contact us at least 24 hours in advance.

However, we do not only organize regular cab services. We also offer a wide variety of transport services. For a school trip, business trip, airport transport or transport of medicines we are the right company. Contact us to discuss your transport needs with us

How to contact us

Do not hesitate to book your taxi calling 010-4102030 or through info@schiedamtaxi.nl. Don’t take unnecessary risks and book your taxi in time with Schiedam Taxi Service. We provide you with a worry and problem-free trip and ensure you reach your destination in time. And we’re proud to do so.


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